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Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) School of Business MSc in Business Management (MScBM)
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) School of Business

MSc in Business Management (MScBM)

Kowloon Tong, Hongkong

1 Years



Sista ansökningsdag för begäran

Sep 2024

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The MScBM Programme is a career-oriented generalist Master’s programme for fresh graduates/graduates with relatively little post-graduation working experience. We prepare students for their future careers by serving as the gateway to the global corporate world.

As a programme blending international elements of corporate strategies, MScBM aims at equipping students with the best practices among corporates of both the East and the West. Students will learn to excel in their careers with a global and ethical mindset, bearing the importance of corporate sustainability and social responsibility.

We are providing a broad and comprehensive curriculum of modern business, with an emphasis on the integration of multiple dimensions of international business. The required course “Business Field Study” in an overseas country will sure enhance the global perspectives and experiential learning experience of students.

Through the client-based “MScBM Capstone Business Project”, students will also develop a thorough understanding of the environment, markets, technology and operations of a real organisation. Furthermore, students can also apply and integrate the business knowledge acquired through the MScBM curriculum to further develop their professionalism, skills and team spirit, in addition to our innovative Executive Development Series, including seminars, corporate visits, managerial skills workshops and career development training.

Global Recognitions

  • Global Top 100 Programme: The MScBM programme has achieved the global top 100 in the Financial Times' Masters in Management ranking in 2023, marking its 4th time being recognised.
  • Triple Accreditation: HKBU School of Business is amongst the 1% of business schools worldwide accredited by the three leading international accreditation bodies focused on business education. These accreditations help the School benchmark itself against an array of stringent norms shared by business schools around the world and reflect our commitment to excellence.
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