1 Years
01 May 2025
Sep 2025
EUR 4 591 *
På Campus
* Medborgare utanför EES | EES-medborgare: 1 092,10 € per år
Civilingenjören i Management Engineering är positionerad för att attrahera akademiska kandidatexamen med en stark kvantitativ och teknisk/vetenskaplig bakgrund. Programmet erbjuder avancerad kvantitativ och vetenskapsbaserad utbildning i företagsekonomi och de olika ledarskapsdelområdena, med syfte att ge en fördjupad och tvärvetenskaplig inblick i hur företag verkar.
Programmet utmanar sina studenter att bli multi-distribuerbara game changers och nästa generation av företagsledare i en komplex internationell affärsvärld.
Programmet omfattar 120 högskolepoäng fördelat på två år.
Kurser år 1 (60 ECTS) – Bryssel campus
Module Economics and Management (24 ECTS)
- Economic Principles for Business
- Money, Banking and Finance
- Accounting and Control
- Marketing Analytics
- Change Management and Leadership
Module Quantitative Methods for Decision Making (12 ECTS)
- Applications of Statistics
- Fundamentals of Operations Research
- Applications of Operations Research
Module Industrial Management and Strategy (24 ECTS)
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
- The Digital Transformation of Industry
- Innovation Management
- Sustainable Management
Module Industrial Management and Strategy (6 ECTS)
- Strategic Management (6 ECTS)
- Major including Master’s thesis (48 ECTS)
Kurser åk 2 (60 hp) – Campus beroende på val av huvudämne
Modul Industriell ledning och strategi
- Strategic Management
Major including Master’s thesis (48 ECTS)
Major Production and Logistics (Leuven campus)
Tillverkning och logistik är till viss del en paradox: det handlar om en av de äldsta, men samtidigt senaste affärsverksamheterna. Operativa aktiviteter som produktion, lagring, lagerhantering och transport har bedrivits sedan starten av kommersiell verksamhet. Ändå har företag först nyligen fokuserat på produktion och logistikhantering som en källa till konkurrensfördelar. Detta blir allt viktigare: produktlivscykler blir kortare och konkurrensen hård. Idag är produktion och logistikhantering både en stor utmaning och en stor möjlighet för många organisationer.
Major Quantitative Methods for Decision Making (Leuven campus)
You use quantitative methods to support management. You can focus on optimization, statistics, and econometrics. You use generic methods that can be used in a variety of ways. You will be trained in analytical and problem-solving skills. The courses in this major are mostly quantitative but also use real-life examples.
Possible questions are: How to cut as many T-shirts as possible out of a roll of fabric? How do you plan the football league so that as many people as possible will watch the matches on TV? How can you use data mining to detect fraudulent tax returns? How can you predict the number of visitors to a tourist attraction?
Major Industry, Global Value Chains, and New Technologies (Leuven campus)
You develop a thorough understanding of the organization of companies and the competitive strategies they use. You will pay particular attention to the influence of globalization, technological progress, and the digital economy on business life.
Major Technology and Entrepreneurship (Leuven campus)
Are you entrepreneurial and do you want to play out your creativity in an innovative business concept or start-up? These qualities are an undeniable asset to anyone who wants to work as an entrepreneur or innovation expert.
You will deal with questions such as: How do you develop an idea into a business plan in a turbulent technological environment? How do you translate technological developments into economic opportunities? What is a good innovation strategy and how do you implement this strategy successfully?
Major Risk and Finance (Leuven campus)
You will immerse yourself in the financial system by focusing on financial products, the markets in which they are traded, and the institutions that develop financial products. You will analyze complex products such as options, futures, and swaps, and learn how to trade them. You will also gain insight into the crucial intermediary role of a bank and the competition between banks. Furthermore, you learn why banking is so risky and how the financial watchdog tries to prevent a bank failure. Finally, you learn to apply quantitative techniques for measuring risk, such as for calculating insurance premiums.
Major Sustainable Management (Brussels campus)
The Sustainable Management major is designed for students who would like to deepen their understanding of sustainable development and management. The track aims to build an understanding of sustainability in a cross-organizational context. In doing so, the track will raise awareness of sustainability issues in various functional management domains while at the same time putting them in the societal context within which a business operates. Using business and policy-oriented case studies and building upon economic fundamentals, the track aims to approach sustainability from an integrated perspective. The track prepares you for roles in a wide range of industries and functions.
Idealiska studenter
Student Profile
Master of Science i Management Engineering är avsedd för studenter med utmärkta kvantitativa färdigheter som vill få avancerade analytiska och multidisciplinära insikter i den globala företagsvärlden och samhället. Med tanke på utbildningens tekniska karaktär måste blivande studenter ha skaffat sig en gedigen grund i kvantitativa metoder, teknik och vetenskaper i sin tidigare utbildning, samt en grund för IKT och programmering. Dessutom måste de kunna engelska på den nivå som krävs. Studenter som anmäler sig till Management Engineering-programmet behöver inte ha förkunskaper i ekonomi eller företag.
Leverans av program
The courses are fully taught in English.
- Credits: 120 ECTS
- Degree Type: Master
- Specifications: Master of Science
Studieavgift för programmet
Varför studera på KU Leuven
What sets us apart as a university?
A highly-ranked university
KU Leuven is among the best 100 universities in the world according to both Times Higher Education World Rankings and QS World University Rankings. All of KU Leuven’s disciplines proudly belong to the top 100 of their field.
Research-based education
Education at KU Leuven is research-based, which means students will learn from the same professors who are performing the ground-breaking research you read about in the press. New insights are instantly integrated into classes and students are encouraged to perform their research. In our FabLab, students can use several high-tech machines to create whatever they want – all free of charge.
Affordable tuition fees
Higher education is highly valued in Belgium and therefore subsidised by the government. This allows KU Leuven to keep tuition fees relatively low, which gives you a price/quality ratio very few top-100 universities can match. We take pride in keeping our programs as accessible as possible to allow the brightest students from around the globe to join our courses.
International student life with respect for diversity
According to Times Higher Education, KU Leuven is in the top 50 of most international universities worldwide with staff and students from over 150 different nationalities. For all our international students, the Pangaea student center is their home away from home. Our university also strives for diversity and inclusion and wants to work together on a pact for more respect.
Stipendier och finansiering
Several scholarship options are available. Please visit the university website for more information.
Info Sessions
KU Leuven combines the best of both worlds by hosting both online and live info sessions. You choose how, where and when to get your information in your search for the right program
KU Leuven is among the best 100 universities in the world according to both Times Higher Education World Rankings and QS World University Rankings. KU Leuven’s disciplines proudly belong to the top 100 of their field. Furthermore, KU Leuven was ranked by Reuters as the most innovative university in Europe in 2016.
På grund av sin unika bakgrund som kombinerar en teknisk-vetenskaplig grund med en omfattande utbildning i företagsekonomi, är ledningsingenjörer högpotentialutexaminerade som kan anställas i en mängd olika positioner i företag och organisationer i Belgien och utomlands. De har en bred syn på affärsverksamheten och på samspelet och den nära kopplingen mellan de olika affärsområdena (t.ex. strategi, redovisning, ekonomi, marknadsföring, logistik, drift) där beslut fattas. De har kompetensen att främja innovation i samband med snabbt utvecklande teknologier och dynamiska marknader. De designar, optimerar och hanterar affärsprocesser, antar ett distinkt analytiskt förhållningssätt och överväger etiska aspekter av företagsansvar.
Ledningsingenjörer bör vara redo att tjäna i lednings- eller rådgivande roller på företag eller institut. De kan ta nyckelpositioner som gör att de kan anpassa den operativa nivån (produktion och tjänster) med andra aspekter av ett företag (ekonomi, HR, organisation, marknadsföring och försäljning). Genom att fortsätta vidareutvecklingen av sina tvärvetenskapliga kunskaper och ledaregenskaper kommer de att kunna avancera till att övervaka rådgivande och politiska roller eller till högre chefsbefattningar inom ett brett spektrum av domäner.
Students and young graduates can consult relevant job vacancies and internships with the help of our online career platform Career Corner. You will also have the opportunity to meet potential employers at job and internship fairs organized throughout the year and during campus recruitment activities.