Art and Emerging Technologies MA
London, Storbritannien
2 Years
Heltid, Deltid
01 Jul 2025
Sep 2025
GBP 1 700 / per year *
På Campus
* internationellt | Storbritannien: £11 500
Öppna dagar på <span translate="no">University of Westminster</span>
Open Day för grundutbildning 23 november 2024/ Postgraduate Online Open Day 26 februari 2025
Art and Emerging Technologies MA utforskar experimentella tillämpningar av kreativ teknik i konstpraktik, utvecklingen av avancerade digitala färdigheter och deras inverkan på samhället, kulturen och miljön.
Du kommer att uppmuntras att betrakta teknik som en integrerad del av den kreativa processen, ge dig ut på en upptäcktsresa och leta efter innovativa vägar för att expandera och berika din praktik. Detta kan inkludera att samarbeta med teknik, utnyttja potentialen i interaktioner mellan människa och dator, skapa berättelser genom transmediatekniker, främja publikens engagemang och deltagande kulturer, skapa interaktiva objekt och konstruera och transformera fysiska och digitala utrymmen.
Studiopraxis och laborationer möjliggör uppfinningsrik användning av avancerad teknologi, såsom virtuell och förstärkt verklighet, geolokaliseringsteknologier, virtuell produktion, fotogrammetri, fysisk datoranvändning, kreativ kodning, sensorteknik, bärbara innovationer, interaktiva miljöer och kreativ tillämpning av artificiell intelligens .
Kursen svarar mot kraven från den kreativa industrin för mångsidiga, fantasifulla och tekniskt skickliga akademiker och lägger stor vikt vid professionella färdigheter. Genom kärnmoduler och en årslång Professional Practice-modul kommer du att engagera dig i verkliga projekt som utmanar praxis och konventioner för digital konst och kreativa medier. Du kommer att skapa arbete för olika målgrupper, plattformar och sammanhang, samarbeta med gemenskaper och nätverk och ta itu med verkliga briefer och branschutmaningar.
De bästa anledningarna att studera hos oss
- Fantastiskt läge - Du kommer att njuta av alla fördelar med att studera på vårt Harrow Campus - bara 20 minuters tunnelbaneresa från centrala London, ett globalt nav för den kreativa och tekniska industrin
- Faciliteter – Du kommer att ha tillgång till faciliteter på industrinivå, inklusive Emerging Media Space, datorlabb, fotografisk grön skärm, filmstudior, redigeringssviter, 3D-workshops, 2D-utskrift och fotografisk utskrift och mörkrumsfaciliteter
- Informerad av CREAM har kursen utvecklats av forskning vid universitetets CREAM Research Center (Centre for Research in Arts and Media). Vårt globala nätverk ger dig tillgång till möjligheter till professionell produktion och offentligt engagemang, från utställning och performance till onlineplattformar och filmvisningar
- Välj din väg – den här kursen stödjer rigorösa experiment och "kreativ lek" som ett sätt att kommunicera, upptäcka och utveckla insikter. Du kommer att få stöd för att utveckla flexibla metoder för ditt valda specialområde
Varför studera den här kursen?
Bygg branschkontakter
Våra dedikerade professionella praktikmoduler hjälper dig att utveckla starka band inom konst- och tekniksektorn i London och utanför.
Lär dig i en öppen, stödjande miljö
Utforska din praktik samtidigt som du får stöd av vår akademiska och tekniska personal.
State-of-the-art faciliteter
Njut av faciliteter på branschnivå, inklusive Emerging Media Space, datorlabb, fotografiska greenscreen- och filmstudior, redigeringssviter, 3D-workshops, 2D-utskrift och fotografisk utskrift och mörkrumsfaciliteter.
Stipendier och finansiering
The University is dedicated to supporting ambitious and outstanding students and we offer a variety of scholarships to eligible postgraduate students.
There is a range of funding available that may help you fund your studies, including Student Finance England (SFE).
This course is part of a suite of MA art courses which include the Expanded Photography MA and the Global Contemporary Art MA. You’ll tailor your learning through a set of shared optional modules that address contemporary challenges, advanced digital approaches, and specialized professional contexts. You’ll also undertake the year-long Professional Practice module, which aims to support your progression beyond graduation, and the Master's Project module with students from the other MA art courses, thus benefiting from collaborative opportunities and cross-disciplinary learning.
Core modules investigate the mediation, augmentation, and transformation of our environments through emerging technologies. You will consider ecologies of consumption, the environment, contexts, technologies, and sustainability, and the role of the artist as innovator, provocateur, and agent.
The following subjects are indicative of what you will study in this course.
Core Modules
- Ecologies and Technologies
- Emerging Media Realties
- MA Arts – Master's Project
- MA Arts – Professional Practice in The Creative Industries
Option Modules
- Curatorial and Social Practices
- Future Archives
- Global Arts and Sustainable Futures
- Image Futures
- Interactive Art and Storytelling
- Virtual Photography
Studieavgift för programmet
This course will equip you with a wide range of skills suited to employment in the Digital and Creative Industries or Cultural sectors. Through the pool of options, you’ll be able to tailor your expertise to prepare you for a diverse range of related careers in the arts and creative industries. These might include careers as independent creative artists, creative technologists, and entrepreneurs. You’ll also be equipped for roles that involve curation in museums and galleries, arts management, policy-making, and advocacy within the culture. Graduates will be well-prepared to work across creative, scientific, and technological industries, pursue further academic study, or teach at secondary, further, and higher education levels.
Industry Knowledge
You’ll be taught by a teaching team with a wide range of experience both in industry and academia, as well as working closely with an international body of artists, researchers, and students.
Professional Development
A year-long Professional Practice module puts professional development at the core of your journey. You will be supported by mentors, industry experts, and your tutors to develop a personal career plan according to your own interests and professional goals.
3 000 arbetsgivare runt om i världen
The University’s Careers and Employability Service has built up a network of over 3,000 employers around the world, helping all our students explore and connect with exciting opportunities and careers.
Industry Links
We aim to meet the demands of the creative industries by equipping artists with the essential digital skills and expertise working with emerging technologies, required for professional practices that bridge the realms of art, architecture, and design.
Our engagement with industry supports the evolution of our curriculum to ensure the ongoing relevance of the course and employable graduates for future creative industries. Industry specialists may attend critique sessions, offer mentoring or placements, and help to advise students on their personal and professional development.
Job Roles
The range of potential careers is very broad depending upon your area of practice, but this course will prepare you for potential roles in a range of present and future industries within the creative industries, policy, public and third sectors and education, including:
- Arts administration and advocacy
- Audio and video production
- Collection management and archives
- Creative computing
- Digital art and installation
- Digital arts practice
- Digital curation
- Education, academia and research
- Exhibition curation and production
- Experimental film
- Immersive filmmaking
- Independent arts practice
- Interactive and immersive storytelling
- Interactive cinema and documentary
- Motion graphics
- Museums and galleries
- Projection mapping and interaction design for live events
- Public policy
Westminster Employability Award
Employers value graduates who have invested in their personal and professional development – and our Westminster Employability Award gives you the chance to formally document and demonstrate these activities and achievements.
The award is flexible and can be completed in your own time, allowing you to choose from a set of extracurricular activities.
Activities might include gaining experience through a part-time job or placement, signing up to a University-run scheme – such as mentoring or teaching in a school – or completing online exercises.
Leverans av program
Course Location
Harrow is our creative and cultural hub, home to most of our arts, media and digital courses. It houses state-of-the-art facilities for every discipline, including project and gallery spaces, film studios, creative labs, collaborative learning spaces, and the Westminster Enterprise Network.
Harrow Campus is based in north-west London, just 20 minutes from the city centre by train.